Monday, April 20, 2009

What Do You Need To Know to Apply for a Credit Card?

What Do You Need To Know to Apply for a Credit Card?

by sas_upena1

Since finances, especially money is one of the major concerns of many people, a wide array of financial management services and financial options emerged. One of the most visible among the unending line of financial management services there are is the credit card. apply credit cards

When people apply for a credit card, there is always a reason. It can be for managing their finances, needing extra money or in preparation to a big expenditure. But, no matter what the reason is, people apply for a credit card because of the ultimate convenience it brings.

By now, you may have had your share of 'pre-approved' credit card offers in your virtual and physical mail. Since people are quite vulnerable when they apply for a credit card, some credit card issuers lure these people by giving low introductory APR, no annual fee offers among numerous perks. The tendency of this so many alternatives and "value" deals is to sway the person who wants to apply for a credit card. apply credit cards

There are undeniably endless lists of pros and cons when you apply for a credit card, but if you really have decided to apply for a credit card, these are some of the helpful tips that can guide you on your credit card shopping journey. apply credit cards

Actually, there are three easy steps you should follow if you have decided to apply for a credit card. First, surf the net and do some research on credit cards. By doing this, you can familiarize yourself with different credit card terms and types. Second, you can compare numerous credit cards that would best serve your needs and lastly, you may now apply for the credit card of your choice by filling out a credit card application by visiting a bank representative or through online. apply credit cards

In order to find the right credit card fast and easy, first, before you apply for a credit card, make sure you mastered the credit card terms. When you apply for a credit card you must know what a "credit card" really is. Being a form of borrowing that involves charges, credit cards usually have underlying credit terms and conditions affect your overall cost. apply credit cards

So, it's best to compare terms and fees before you apply for a credit card and agree to open an account. Some of the important terms to be understood well include the annual percentage rate or the APR. apply credit cards

When you apply for a credit card, you must know how the APR affects your credit account. Being a measure of the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate, the APR should be disclosed before you apply for a credit card so that you would not be obligated on the account and on your account statements later on. Aside from APR, the periodic rate must be disclosed to the card holder before they completely apply for a credit card so they would have an idea of their outstanding balance and finance charge for each billing period. apply credit cards

Other important terms to know before you apply for a credit card are free period or "grace period," annual fees, transaction fees and other charges, other costs and feature, and balance computation method for the finance charge like average daily balance, adjusted balance, previous balance, and two-cycle balances. apply credit cards

If you're not that type of person who is patient enough to research on all these terms, make sure that before you apply for a credit card, the issuer will give an explanation how the balance is computed and it must appear on your monthly billing statements. apply credit cards

Credit Card Blocking And How To Avoid It

Credit Card Blocking And How To Avoid It

by Peter Kenny

Have you ever heard of credit card blocking? Do you know what it is and how it might affect you? If you are not sure what blocking is, this article may be able to clear up some of the mystery. apply credit cards

If you were ever told that you were over your credit limit (when you knew you were not over the limit) you may have experienced credit card blocking. This seems to happen a lot when consumers are paying for hotels or rental cars. apply credit cards

When you use your credit card to check into a hotel or to rent a vehicle, the hotel or rental company will normally contact the company that issued your card in order to give them an estimated total of your transaction. The credit card company will then either approve or deny the amount. If the transaction is approved, your available credit is immediately reduced by this amount. This is a block. apply credit cards

An example might clarify the way this works. Assume that you are using a credit card when you check into a $100-a-night hotel and you are going to stay for five nights. At least $500 would be blocked ($100 x 5 nights). Here is where it can begin to get tricky. apply credit cards

If you pay the hotel or rental bill with the same card that you presented earlier, the final charge from the hotel or rental company will replace the block in a day or two. If you decide to pay the bill with a different card, however, the credit card company you used at check-in might hold the block for up to 15 days after you have checked out of the hotel or paid the rental car company. This would be done because they were not notified of the final charge from the hotel or car rental company and therefore would not know you had paid another way. apply credit cards

The reason blocking is used is to make sure you do not go over your credit limit before checking out of a hotel or returning a rental car; both of which would leave the merchant unpaid. apply credit cards

For those people who are well below their credit limit, blocking is usually not a problem. However, if you are getting close to your limit you will want to be careful. Not only can it be embarrassing to have your credit card refused, but it can also present big problems if you need a room or a car and do not have cash in your pocket to pay for them.

Here are some tips to help you avoid being blocked. apply credit cards

Always consider paying your rental car, hotel, or motel bills with the same card that you use at the beginning of the transaction. You may also want to ask the clerk or rental rep to tell you the full amount that they are going to request from the card company. In the event you choose to use another payment method when checking out or paying the final bill for rental make sure you ask the clerk to remove the block. apply credit cards

You may also want to call your credit card company and ask them how long they block credit lines for these types of transactions. If you do a lot of traveling, you may want to find a company that use shorter block times. apply credit cards

American Express Blue Or Green Credit Cards

American Express Blue Or Green Credit Cards

by sas_upena1

Also known as AMEX, American Express is easily one of the most recognized names in the world of credit cards. Even though many people have Visa or MasterCard credit cards, they are still interested in AMEX. With Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX being the most popular and preferred types of credit cards, they are all great although there are also differences between them as well. apply credit cards

Both Visa and MasterCard are methods of payment. Both will allow different businesses to accept credit card payments using their systems. Neither of the two issue credit cards on their own behalf, instead they rely on banks throughout the world to issue the credit cards for them, provide the credit, and then charge the interest. Your credit card bill goes to the bank, as Visa or MasterCard doesn't see any of it. apply credit cards

AMEX, on the other hand, is very different. American Express has their own payment system, and they also issue their credit cards directly to consumers. Unlike Visa and MasterCard, AMEX runs the entire show. Therefore, when a credit card says American Express on it, you instantly know who has issued the card, what payment system it has, and everything else you would need to know. apply credit cards

Even though MasterCard and Visa are used more throughout the world, American Express is always expanding their networks. Visa and MasterCard are used in over twenty five million locations over the world, including third world countries, which makes them global credit card payments. AMEX on the other hand, doesn't quite reach this degree. It is a great credit card, although it isn't used around the world in areas where the other 2 dominant credit cards are. apply credit cards

You can get AMEX credit cards with rewards, although you'll need to be careful where you look and what you select. Normally, with Visa and MasterCard, you'll have to look at hundreds of banks before you can find the best choice. With AMEX, you can look at their website and find out what they offer and what type of APR you'll have to pay. Most of the time, you can find a credit card with low interest and a great spending limit - providing you have good credit. apply credit cards

AMEX also has several advantages that it offers customers in North America and Europe. The credit card is accepted widely in both areas, offering you credit cards with great features and very attractive looks. AMEX offers you great rates, good rewards, and excellent customer service as well. apply credit cards

American Express also offers you Blue, which is a newly introduced credit card that offers you increased security, no annual fee, and 0% APR for the first year or so. Depending on your credit, you may be able to get an extended period with no interest. After that time has expired, you pay low fees, which make it a great credit card for anyone looking for a deal. Blue is the newest card from AMEX, and will rapidly become one of the best due to its amazing features. apply credit cards

In the world of credit cards, American Express is one of the best. They offer you a variety of different credit cards, designed to meet just about everyone's needs. You find them online or through a local provider, although online is the preferred way to go. Simply fill out your application, and if you have good credit, you'll be approved. Before you know it, you'll have a credit card from AMEX and be ready to experience life in the fast lane. apply credit cards

Shopping With Credit Cards And Store Cards

Shopping With Credit Cards And Store Cards

by Jonathon Hardcastle

Credit cards and store cards are plentiful in modern society, so much so that it is probably easier than ever to get goods on credit. The buy now, pay later culture is certainly convenient, but is it a wise idea, considering its obvious correlation with debt? Further than that, credit cards can be a great way to save money on your purchases provided you spend wisely. When dealing with credit and store cards, strong financial management is certainly paramount to avoid spiralling debts and borrowing costs when shopping on credit. apply credit cards

Wherever you shop you'll be able to buy in cash or on credit. It really is that widespread these days. Whether the credit is provided by the storekeeper or the card company, you won't have to pay a penny up front, which means you can plan your expenditure in advance. However, you will eventually have to repay everything you borrow, plus interest, so it's always a good idea to make sure you can afford it. This only comes with successful budgeting. Knowing exactly what you've got coming in and going out is paramount in ensuring you keep on top of your financial situation, and store cards and credit cards can be a great help to immediately pick up that shopping bill. apply credit cards

With your store cards and credit cards, you should always keep your bills and receipts, and match them up regularly to make sure everything is present and correct. This can be a great way to prevent against credit card fraud, and can help protect your funds from being pilfered. When you get the bill through at the end of the month, make sure you have the money to pay it off. One months credit is cheaper than ten months credit, so if you can pay it off, do so - it'll save you money in the long run. If you can't pay it off in full, you should still try to contribute as much as possible to get rid of some of your debt, which will again save you money on the high interest repayments demanded by card companies. apply credit cards

Shopping on credit is great, because it's easy and worry-free. The only problem comes when it's time to pay back what you've borrowed. As long as you make sure you're on top of your finances and pay off as much as you can afford come the end of the month, you'll find credit cards are actually helpful, rather than causing problems. apply credit cards

How To Lower Your Credit Card APR

How To Lower Your Credit Card APR

by Lawrence Fine

Your annual percentage rate is referenced as your APR. And lowering your credit APR means more money saved. apply credit cards

Since the rule of thumb is, 'A penny saved is a penny earned' is hence necessary to find out the best ways to get your APR as low as possible. So here are some tips that will help you with this task...: apply credit cards

* Good credit record - the easiest way for lowering credit APR is by maintaining a good credit record generally and with the respective credit card. Have your payments done on time and be consistent with this particular aspect. The longer you are with the credit card company and have a great payment record the better are your chances for lowering credit APR on your card. apply credit cards

* Be relentless - it is vital that you come across as a person who is both polite and firm with the request. Many credit card company representatives are conditioned to react to such requests by postponing your demand for lowering credit APR for as long as possible. Remember while you will be getting major savings by the lowering credit APR, the credit card company would loose that much money. apply credit cards

* Be ready to shift - while most companies would give in, there are some which do not have the policy to reduce their APR, though this would be rare. Therefore, you would need to be ready to move your business if you fail in your negotiations for lowering credit APR. Do your research well so that you would shift to a credit card company that genuinely offers lower APR and does not have any hidden fees or other payment that would pull extra payment away. apply credit cards

* Develop good negotiating skills - it is important here that you do not demand the lowering credit APR for your card. Be persuasive and polite and request for the same. Learn how to lower APR by negotiation, i.e. by explaining to them that you are happy to be with them and would hate to leave them - yet, you are constrained by the better options offered to you by the other company (ies). apply credit cards

Usually, a credit card company (and any other company as a matter of fact) would not like to have their clients leave for their competition and hence, do their best to match the offer.

* Look for competition - today there is a lot of competition in the market. This will provide you with the best opportunity and means for lowering credit APR. For people who do not have the patience to stick with a credit card company for long enough to create a great impression with them this is how to lower APR fast. apply credit cards

Check out on the Internet for the best rates that exist in the market and then pick up the phone and renegotiate the terms with your credit card provider. If they agree to lowering credit APR on your card - great. If not, take our business elsewhere. apply credit cards

If you follow the tips and learn how to lower APR, lowering credit APR can be farily easy. Just hand in there and do your research and hard work to get the best rates you can!